The New York City District Council Retiree's Carpenter Guild, since its chartering on September 15, 2015, has been a beacon of commitment to education, community involvement, and the enrichment of social activities. This dedication serves to strengthen the bonds within the union and underscores the importance of skilled trades such as Dockbuilder, Timbermen, carpentry, Millwrights, Floorcovering and Cabinetmaking. The guild's efforts ensure that the legacy of craftsmanship and union solidarity is passed on to future generations, maintaining the high standards that
New York City's workforce is known for.
Fostering unity through educational and community activities is a noble endeavor that strengthens social bonds and promotes inclusiveness. By engaging members in meaningful initiatives, organizations can create a sense of belonging and shared purpose. These activities not only enrich the participants but also contribute to the well-being of the broader community, creating a ripple effect of positivity and cooperation.
The Retiree's Carpenters Guild organizes a variety of activities that cater to the interests of its members. These include educational programs, community service projects, and social gatherings that provide opportunities for camaraderie and engagement. The Guild also plays a vital role in maintaining connections among members and offers a communication channel with the New York City District Council. Additionally, it supports apprentice mentoring, ensuring that the proud tradition of union carpentry is passed down to future generations.
The New York City District Council Retiree's Guild, established in 2015, serves as a collective voice for retired carpenters from nine local unions. It's a vibrant community that not only supports the interests of its members but also enriches their retirement through a variety of educational, community, and social events. The guild exemplifies the enduring spirit of unity and the value of staying active and connected within the community post-retirement. Members participate in the numerous events held throughout the year.
The club's purpose is to advance the shared interests of retirees from the United Brotherhood of Carpenters of America through the initiation and execution of educational, community, and social activities that engage its members.
The Guild plays a crucial role in fostering a sense of community and continuity among its members. By facilitating updates on relevant policies, ensuring open communication with the New York City District Council, and organizing social events, it helps maintain the rich tradition of Union Carpentry. This tradition is not only about building structures but also about building lives and communities, passing down valuable skills and knowledge through generations. The dedication of past members is honored, and the commitment to carry on their legacy is strong among current and future carpenters.
President – Bill Walsh
Vice President – John Diaz
Recording Secretary – Marc Rodriguez
Secretary/ Treasurer – Walter Clayton
Trustee – Robert Ramirez
Trustee - Anthony Charles
Warden - Mark Tessar
Communications - Anthony Charles
RETIREE'S C(646) 247-4380
Website Design and Management B. Walsh DesignARPENTER GUILD
All Rights (646) 247-4380
Website Design and Management B. Walsh DesignReserved.
Website Design and Management - B. Walsh Design
Since our establishment on September 15, 2015, this 501(c)(3) organization has dedicated itself to uniting retired carpenters, enhancing their quality of life, and ensuring the transfer of valuable skills and knowledge to new generations. As we celebrate nine years of commitment and service, the organization stands as a testament to the enduring bond and shared dedication of its members, fostering a legacy that will guide future carpenters for years to come.